Monday, September 14, 2009

Work on Progress

as an artist, i think that the most important part of art making is the process, which in turn i believe determines the outcome of the work. and as an example, my process ussually starts by focusing on one form which i then cut, twist, strectch, add, subtract, obsessively exploring the form's potentials. the form then determines the content or the meaning of the work. here are some body body of work with different degrees of completion. the following are done using acrylic paint, le pen (this pen is the shit), water color, and pigment liner pen!

Monday, September 7, 2009

while on hiatus

since I've been on hiatus, and i haven't posted any new or recent works lately, i would like to make it up by providing you a glimpse of some stuff that i worked and working on. majority of the stuff are painted/drawn on paper using water color, pigment liner pen, acrylic paint, spray paint and other mark making material i can get a hold off. enjoy.